Consumer Units & Fuse Boxes

Consumer Units & Fuse Box installers in Birmingham, Dudley, Worcestershire and Wolverhampton


Here at Times Electrical, we provide installation, maintenance and repair services for consumer units and fuse boxes. Our workers boast a combined 55 years of experience and, with our National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) approved status, we guarantee safe and efficient electrical services particularly when it comes to fitting and managing consumer units and fuse boxes.

What is the consumer unit?

The consumer unit, otherwise known as the consumer control unit or the electricity control unit, is defined by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) as ‘a particular type of distribution board comprising a type-tested coordinated assembly for the control and distribution of electrical energy’. The consumer unit is vital to the flow of electricity in your house.

What is a fuse box?

Like a consumer unit, a fuse box is vital to the running of the electricity in your house or building. The fuse box directs electricity to the correct circuit in your house. If there is a fault with a circuit, the fuse will melt and stop a current flowing. The main role of the fuse box is to stop any dangerous circuits that could cause a fire.

What services can Times Electrical provide?

At Times Electrical, we provide a range of services associated with the installation, maintenance and repairs of consumer units and fuse boxes. For a free quote, contact us today and see how we can help!